Monthly Archives: April 2012

Training Needs Analysis

Field Marketing Agency Gekko

Right Person, Right Results

In an increasingly complex and competitive market place customers buy goods from people and brands that they feel affinity with. It is therefore vital that the identification of development needs goes beyond technical product knowledge.

Through both formal and informal assessment Gekko ensures that its entire sales teams are able to demonstrate not only the product itself but crucially the culture and values of a brand. Thus creating a customer feel good factor about the person, product and brand, because we understand that it is important to get the right fit of individual when talking about your brand and products.

Formal Approach

The implementation of a formal training needs analysis (TNA) assists Gekko in assessing the skills, talent and capabilities of all sales staff to ensure they are aligned with the client brand and business values.

We achieve this by gathering sales data, observing interactions with the customer, interpersonal skills and communication style to take a holistic approach to our TNA.

Informal Approach

Whether a manager or a trainer at Gekko, we take an interest in ensuring that our training is effective and skills are transferred onto the sales floor. Therefore all sales staff receive regular reviews of performance through on the job observations to identify key competencies which may result in possible training solutions to improve skills.

Our evaluation assesses not only product knowledge, but takes the brand values and ethics and reviews them to ensure the best fit for all types of client.

Our Aims

fit for Gekko aims to take the training room onto the sales floor through the development of on-the-job aids. We avoid our people returning from the latest mandated training session and it’s back to “business as usual” by ensuring training solutions address real sales needs. This supports the connection made between training and the sales floor.

All managers actively support the fit for Gekko programme, by attending the courses themselves.